Letter: Time to address trucking dangers on I-70

As a long-time resident of our mountain community, I’ve always cherished the beauty and tranquility that living here brings. But recently, I’ve been filled with a deep sense of concern. This past week, we’ve seen multiple major trucking related accidents along the I-70 corridor — right here in our backyard. These aren’t just headlines or statistics; these are incidents that have shaken our community, causing unnecessary threats to the safety of everyone who uses this vital road. 

The challenges posed by trucking in mountainous regions like ours are unique. The steep grades, sharp curves, and unpredictable weather create a hazardous environment for large commercial vehicles. While many truck drivers are skilled, not all have the necessary training or experience to handle these extreme conditions. I’ve seen it firsthand — trucks speeding through dangerous sections of the highway, drivers struggling to control their vehicles, all while the rest of us pray we make it past them safely. These crashes are preventable, and the time for meaningful change is now.

I am calling on local and state officials to take immediate action by enforcing stricter safety regulations for trucks traveling through the I-70 corridor. We need stricter enforcement of speed limits for trucks. Speeding and passing in the left lane particularly through Glenwood Canyon.

I find it equally important in addressing the working conditions and CDL requirements for truck drivers. Proper training is not just a regulatory checkbox; it is crucial for ensuring that truckers can navigate our challenging mountain roads safely. We must mandate that all CDL drivers receive specialized training focused on the unique hazards of our terrain, along with ongoing education about safe driving practices. This training should emphasize driving at safe speeds and the importance of adequate rest to prevent fatigue.

This issue goes beyond mere statistics or infrastructure — it directly impacts the lives of those who call this community home, who raise their families here, and who visit. Our ability to travel safely on these roads without fear or frustration is paramount. We deserve to feel secure during our daily commutes, and that starts with ensuring that every driver has the necessary skills and training to handle our mountainous environment responsibly.

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I urge my fellow community members to speak out and demand action from our local and state representatives. We need to push for these regulatory changes and ensure that the necessary resources are put in place to enforce them. Together, we can make our roads safer for everyone.

Sara Beery

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