Letter: Regarding the Vail Daily’s coverage of the ski patrol strike

Vail Resorts is a major source of Eagle County tax revenue, probably our most important employer, and unusually for a lot of companies, the provider of our most important pastimes, and even housing.  It’s also our town’s brand. 

In short, the company’s fortunes are inextricably linked to those of the Vail Valley community. As such, the company’s successes, foibles, reach in terms of business footprint (and specific businesses owned), business decisions (e.g. capital investments or lack thereof) and employment practices are of vital interest to our community.

I have found the Vail Daily coverage to be thorough, clear, and — importantly — substantially additive to what has otherwise been a social media narrative. We need high-quality, critical thinking in our local news coverage and I think we are smart enough to draw our own conclusions when presented with a detailed, fact-checked story about the Park City dispute. It could be our neighbors next.

Elizabeth G Chambers

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