Letter: Chairlift companions
You never know what you’re going to get just like what Forrest Gump said about that box of chocolates. Of course, in this case, I am referring to chairlift companions. Some of us embrace it, some of us dread it. We all know that somewhat uneasy feeling when our fate is sealed just by the line dynamics. Remember those days when we had to yell, “Single!”
Here is a situation when perfect strangers are forced to cooperate to make it work successfully. It sounds kind of like other such situations that we have to deal with in life, right? For just those few minutes our age, ethnic group, gender, religion, etc. don’t really matter. Once we are on the chair, some of us strike up a simple conversation while some of us bury ourselves in cellphones, music and anything that will prevent contact. At least now pulling the bar down requires some kind of communication.
I was very grateful the other day when an outgoing woman just happened to mention the Vail Chapel in her conversation. “That is where we got married 40 years ago, and my parents remarried there the year before,” I proudly added! Then she added that her longterm boyfriend has been in Vail for about the same amount of time.
Well, you can imagine how that opened up the floodgates of shared memories since there just aren’t that many of us who go back that far. We found out that his parents and I had worked at the same gallery. We also learned that he was a cook at the Lodge (he actually was the one who prepared our wedding reception there) when I was a cook at The Chart House.
Another name that popped up was Los Amigos, soon also to fade into the past. We certainly are grateful for them creating many memories over the years. Our kids would fall asleep in those booths. You’re damn right I purchased their hat, actually two of them so I could give one to a friend.

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All of this from chairlift companions! Maybe at least think about embracing the opportunity. Just maybe you’ll get the best chocolate in the box.
Chris Jones