Silt couple discovers that childbirth can be one wild ride
Silt, CO Colorado

SILT, Colorado – Kaydon Boebert had quite a grand welcoming when he entered the world in the front seat of his dad’s pickup truck July 12 with police sirens blaring.
The adventure started when his mom, Lauren Boebert of Silt, woke about 1 a.m. that morning with labor contractions.
“It wasn’t too bad at that point, so I just did some stuff around the house to waste time and figured I still had a little while before we needed to go in to the hospital,” Boebert said in a Friday telephone interview, while back at home with her new baby and two older sons, Tyler, 4, and Brody, almost 2.
About an hour later she woke up her husband, Jayson, as the contractions were getting stronger.
They rushed the boys off to family members, and headed for Valley View Hospital in Glenwood Springs in Jayson’s work truck.

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“When we got to New Castle my water broke, and I started pushing and couldn’t stop,” Lauren said. “By the time we got to the West Glenwood exit, the baby’s head was out.
“I was just trying not to panic,” she said. “I was really scared, but I knew I couldn’t be. My body kept pushing, and I couldn’t stop.”
She asked Jayson to pull over so he could help her finish the job. Just as he pulled to the shoulder, she pushed the baby the rest of the way out.
“I caught him and pulled him up to my chest, and told Jayson to just keep going,” she said.
However, as they were speeding up Grand Avenue at about 60 mph toward the hospital, a police officer gave chase. Lauren managed to call 911 and explained the situation to the dispatcher. The officer was quickly called off but hung with the Boeberts to make sure they made it to the hospital safely.
“Everyone was a mess when we pulled up to the ER, not really knowing what to do next,” said Lauren, who said she managed to keep her calm through it all.
They eventually made it up to the hospital’s Family Birthplace, and Kaydon Cline Boebert’s birth was officially recorded – 8 pounds, 1 ounce and 191⁄2 inches long.
Lauren said both of her previous childbirths had to be artificially induced and involved about six hours of labor, so the quick labor this time was unexpected.
“I was told that if you do natural childbirth it is a lot faster, but I didn’t know it would be that much faster,” she said. “It was just the most amazing thing ever.”
When Jayson called his mother and told her the story, she didn’t believe it at first.
“She thought he was kidding and made him put me on the phone,” Lauren said. “Everybody else was just in awe and disbelief.”