A new Colorado law means Eagle County is getting a new judge, but finding space won’t be easy
New county judge will require new courtroom and chambers

Kay Miller/Courtesy photo
Eagle County next year will get a new county judge. That will ease current County Judge Inga Causey’s case load, but adding space for that new judge won’t be simple.
The authorization came Monday, when Gov. Jared Polis signed Senate Bill 24 into law. That bill authorizes 15 new judges across the state. The bill was cosponsored by Sen. Dylan Roberts (D-Frisco), who represents Eagle County.
In a release, Roberts stated, “As a former deputy district attorney, I know how important it is to have an adequate number of judges serving our communities. … Adding 15 new judges to Colorado’s new judicial system is a major step forward that will help Colorado fulfill its fundamental duty to provide timely access to justice.
During a Monday information session with the Eagle County Board of Commissioners, County Manager Jeff Shroll noted that the funding for the new judge will be available as of July 1, 2026. But, he added, the Eagle County Justice Center isn’t set up for another judge.
Adding another judge will require another courtroom, as well as another judge’s chambers and staff space. While the state pays the costs of court employees, the county has to pay for office and other space.

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Commissioner Matt Scherr called the new law another “unfunded mandate” from the state.
County Attorney Beth Oliver said some space could be found in the current probation area, but those questions will have to be answered in just more than a year, as will where to find the funding for that new space.