Hike of the Week: Camp Hale and Tennessee Pass hikes offer short and long options
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Only two months ago, the snowpack here in the Eagle River Watershed was sitting just above normal. But continuous warm temperatures and high winds have quickly eroded that robust snowpack, and now we’re ahead of schedule in the High Country.
The Tennessee Pass area offers a number of great hikes that feature dry trails and a little less oxygen. One of my favorite hikes in this area is to take the Colorado Trail from Tennessee Pass to Camp Hale. This trip is a great easy hike if done as a car shuttle, but it can still be a moderate trip as an out-and-back hike.
Getting there
To set up a shuttle for this hike, drop a car off at Camp Hale as you drive to Tennessee Pass. Turn into the main entrance for Camp Hale and cross the river. Do not turn right toward the campground before the bridge. Once you have crossed the river, turn right and follow the main road south, then east for a few miles.
Once the road turns east, you will begin to see multiple gated roads heading south toward the historic shooting range. The trail follows one of these roads — keep a lookout for the Colorado Trail and Continental Divide Trail signs. A quarter-mile past the trail, you will find a parking area on your left. Drop a car here and then continue to Tennessee Pass. Drive to the peak of Tennessee Pass between Camp Hale and Leadville along U.S. Highway 24.
When you see the sign for Ski Cooper on your left, turn into the parking area on the opposite side of the road (the west side of Highway 24). Hike the trail heading north, leaving from the far end of the parking area.
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What to expect
Hiking the Colorado Trail from Tennessee Pass to Camp Hale is an easy downhill walk. This point-to-point hike is roughly 6.5 miles and loses around 1,000 feet of elevation. The first 2 miles of the hike follow an old railroad grade, likely a spur of the historic Denver and Rio Grande Railroad.
About a half-mile into the hike, you will pass the remains of old charcoal ovens, which were used during the railroad and mining era to cook charcoal and coke (a purified derivative of coal), which were used as a primary fuel source in the late 1800s. As the railroad enters a young lodgepole pine forest, look for the trail to branch off to your right and become a single track. This next portion of the hike is the most scenic, bordering a beautiful montane wetland with views of the Sawatch Mountains to the southwest.
About 3.5 miles into the hike, the trail crosses Highway 24. This would be another optional endpoint (or turnaround) for a shorter hike. Cross the road and follow the trail through mixed conifer forests to Camp Hale. Your hike will finish by walking through the old shooting range used to train 10th Mountain Division soldiers during World War II.
For those without the option to shuttle a car, this is still a very worthwhile trail to explore. If you’re up for a longer (but still relatively flat) hike, I’d suggest starting at Camp Hale and hiking to Tennessee Pass and back. Another option for a shorter day is to start at Tennessee Pass and hike North to where the trail intersects Highway 24. This is a great turn around point and includes the most scenic stretch of the hike.
Nathan Boyer-Rechlin is the community outreach coordinator, hiking guide and trails guru at Walking Mountains Science Center. You can reach him at 970-827-9725, ext. 144, and nathanbr@walkingmountains.org.